The concept of co-location is based on the idea that having multiple groups sharing the same space. Normally, one organization will lease a larger space to many non profit organizations allowing each to have their own office, and collectively covering the costs of reception, IT, a meeting room, a lunch room and bathroom facilities. The most well-known model of co-location is the small business incubator. However, with non profits organizations there is not an expectation or push to move these groups out on to their own facilities over time.
Co-location can also include the arrangement where one space is shared by different groups –usually where groups need the space at differing times (i.e. Mount 7 Rec Plex). While co-location of this type is often found in recreation, office space can be shared with groups that may need the space during the day versus in the evening. Co-location can even include the booking of an office for appointments only.
In many cases, co-location involves designing a space serve a specific purpose. While a 'hub' may be designed with small offices to confidentially serve many family and social service organizations, a specialized sports facility can be outfitted for a few specific activities ('soft sports' like gymnastics, martial arts, yoga, dance), thereby allowing other facilities to be dedicated to other activities (court sports like basketball, volleyball, badminton, and floor hockey). Through this specialization, no new facilities need to be constructed and existing facilities can see higher utilization/occupancy rates, with less wear and tear on equipment.
You can find a variety of examples of co-location below.
The concept of co-location is based on the idea that having multiple groups sharing the same space. Normally, one organization will lease a larger space to many non profit organizations allowing each to have their own office, and collectively covering the costs of reception, IT, a meeting room, a lunch room and bathroom facilities. The most well-known model of co-location is the small business incubator. However, with non profits organizations there is not an expectation or push to move these groups out on to their own facilities over time.
Co-location can also include the arrangement where one space is shared by different groups –usually where groups need the space at differing times (i.e. Mount 7 Rec Plex). While co-location of this type is often found in recreation, office space can be shared with groups that may need the space during the day versus in the evening. Co-location can even include the booking of an office for appointments only.
In many cases, co-location involves designing a space serve a specific purpose. While a 'hub' may be designed with small offices to confidentially serve many family and social service organizations, a specialized sports facility can be outfitted for a few specific activities ('soft sports' like gymnastics, martial arts, yoga, dance), thereby allowing other facilities to be dedicated to other activities (court sports like basketball, volleyball, badminton, and floor hockey). Through this specialization, no new facilities need to be constructed and existing facilities can see higher utilization/occupancy rates, with less wear and tear on equipment.
You can find a variety of examples of co-location below.
Non-profit Shared Space Feasibility Toolkit
This toolkit is designed to assist non-profit organizations that are interested in developing or pursuing shared space opportunities by providing information and examples in areas such as ownership models, governance structures, shared resources and financing.
To learn more: http://www.edmonton.ca/for_residents/programs/space-for-non-profit-organizat.aspx
To learn more: http://www.edmonton.ca/for_residents/programs/space-for-non-profit-organizat.aspx
edmonton-non-profit-sharedspace-toolkit.pdf |
Joint Use Agreement
Joint Use Agreements help to maximize use of community assets. The Municipal Partnership Model is a BC model developed to support Neighbourhood Learning Centres. Programming can be for all ages and is based on community involvement and need.
But this isn't the only model in the Province. Originally with the Regional District, and now with the District of West Kelowna, a Master Joint Use Agreement has existed between the local government and School District No. 23. This agrrement affords both parties shared access to each others facilities during non-peak hours. Facility bookings can be done through one office, or even online, and helps to maximize utilization of both organizations' resources.
In Golden & Area A a Joint Use Agreement could be crafted that would enable shared use of recreation facilities like school gyms for community programs, in exchange for student access to the Mount 7 Rec Plex, Arena, Pool and Civic Centre. If formed, an Agreement would play a large role in a community-wide Parks & Recreation Master Plan.
To learn more: http://www.neighbourhoodlearningcentres.gov.bc.ca/types/municipal_partnership.php
But this isn't the only model in the Province. Originally with the Regional District, and now with the District of West Kelowna, a Master Joint Use Agreement has existed between the local government and School District No. 23. This agrrement affords both parties shared access to each others facilities during non-peak hours. Facility bookings can be done through one office, or even online, and helps to maximize utilization of both organizations' resources.
In Golden & Area A a Joint Use Agreement could be crafted that would enable shared use of recreation facilities like school gyms for community programs, in exchange for student access to the Mount 7 Rec Plex, Arena, Pool and Civic Centre. If formed, an Agreement would play a large role in a community-wide Parks & Recreation Master Plan.
To learn more: http://www.neighbourhoodlearningcentres.gov.bc.ca/types/municipal_partnership.php
Edmonton SpaceFinder helps non-profit organizations and community-based groups find affordable space for their activities and programs.
Edmonton SpaceFinder is made for non-profit organizations and community-based groups. It has information about spaces that are good for non-profit organizations, including spaces available in other non-profit organizations.
The Edmonton SpaceFinder team will continue to find spaces for non-profit organizations that are not well known, or are not advertised anywhere else.
Edmonton SpaceFinder is managed by the Edmonton Chamber of Voluntary Organizations (ECVO).
To learn more: http://www.edmontonspacefinder.ca/
Edmonton SpaceFinder is made for non-profit organizations and community-based groups. It has information about spaces that are good for non-profit organizations, including spaces available in other non-profit organizations.
The Edmonton SpaceFinder team will continue to find spaces for non-profit organizations that are not well known, or are not advertised anywhere else.
Edmonton SpaceFinder is managed by the Edmonton Chamber of Voluntary Organizations (ECVO).
To learn more: http://www.edmontonspacefinder.ca/
Non Profit Hub
Kootenay Boundary Community Services Co-operative: aka the 'Koop' or Co-op serves as a "hub" for non-profits to gather and share information, engage in professional development and join efforts to improve the quality of life in rural communities. The Co-op serves Golden & Area A.
To learn more: http://thekoop.ca/
The Banff Rotary Community Hub & Town of Banff FCSS: is driven by Banff FCSS Community Development team and supports over eighty Banff non profits, through board development, program evaluation, strategic planning, conflict resolution, facilitation and fund development.
In August 2007, FCSS - Community Development (CD) surveyed and interviewed non-profit organizations to identify more efficient and effective ways to provide this support. The report developed in October 2007 from the surveys and interviews offered CD an opportunity to focus their activities in new directions and enhance existing services.
Within a year of completing the survey, they had developed the Banff Rotary Community Non-Profit Hub, which currently houses:
5 non-profit agencies on a regular basis and provides meeting space to 3 additional nonprofits.
9 non-profits accessed the Grants Database to identify funding possibilities.
12 non-profits have been provided with strategic planning assistance.
Sessions were offered on:
Board Governance, Effective Meetings, Marketing, Volunteer Recruitment and Retention, Safe and Sound (workplace safety), Sports Funding.
Information for non profit organizations shared via the Community Connections newsletter.
Organization development support offered to 20 non-profits. Topics included: grant writing, society applications, by-law development, etc.
Community Development Coordinators support others in coming together to address a common cause by fostering connections, developing partnerships, buildng capacity and acting as a catalyst for new projects or programs. Their programs fall into four areas:
Non Profit Support
Individual& Family Support/Capacity Building
Community Collaboration & Assessment
Community Grants
To learn more: www.banff.ca/locals-residents/social-services-programs/community-development/non-profit.htm
Update: The Banff Rotary Community Hub, housed at the Rundle Memorial Church, will be closed by the end of 2013 because there was not enough funding to make the $1,800/month rent. The three tenants of the Hub have found alternative locations (BanffLife to the Town Hall; Bow Valley Cares to the Banff YWCA; and the Interpretive Guides Association to an office in Canmore). The Hub was supported by the Banff Rotary Club and Rundle Memorial Church applied for a grant to subsidize the rent (Rocky Mountain Outlook, November 21, 2013, p. 18).
South Peace Community Resources Society: a non-profit organization that is dedicated to Meeting the social and personal needs of the community by providing services that assist people to develop to the full extent of their potential. South Peace Community Resources Society is a non-profit organization operating in the Peace Liard region, providing community and residential services. The Society exists to meet the needs of children, youth and families, women who have experienced violence, victims of crime, adults with mental handicaps, children with special needs, couples, and individuals experiencing trauma or difficulties in their life.
To learn more: www.spcrs.ca
Fort McMurray Redpoll Centre: The Redpoll Centre is home to the United Way of Fort McMurray, the Alzheimers Society, Safe Community Wood Buffalo, Justin Slade Youth Foundation, Children First: Community Childcare Network Society, The Nonprofit Network LINK, and the Support Through Housing Team Society (S.T.H.T.).
A ong with housing the above social service groups, the Centre is able to host meetings and conferences in two rooms, and offers half day, evening, full day rates for businesses and non profits.
To learn more: http://www.theredpollcentre.webs.com/
To learn more: http://thekoop.ca/
The Banff Rotary Community Hub & Town of Banff FCSS: is driven by Banff FCSS Community Development team and supports over eighty Banff non profits, through board development, program evaluation, strategic planning, conflict resolution, facilitation and fund development.
In August 2007, FCSS - Community Development (CD) surveyed and interviewed non-profit organizations to identify more efficient and effective ways to provide this support. The report developed in October 2007 from the surveys and interviews offered CD an opportunity to focus their activities in new directions and enhance existing services.
Within a year of completing the survey, they had developed the Banff Rotary Community Non-Profit Hub, which currently houses:
5 non-profit agencies on a regular basis and provides meeting space to 3 additional nonprofits.
9 non-profits accessed the Grants Database to identify funding possibilities.
12 non-profits have been provided with strategic planning assistance.
Sessions were offered on:
Board Governance, Effective Meetings, Marketing, Volunteer Recruitment and Retention, Safe and Sound (workplace safety), Sports Funding.
Information for non profit organizations shared via the Community Connections newsletter.
Organization development support offered to 20 non-profits. Topics included: grant writing, society applications, by-law development, etc.
Community Development Coordinators support others in coming together to address a common cause by fostering connections, developing partnerships, buildng capacity and acting as a catalyst for new projects or programs. Their programs fall into four areas:
Non Profit Support
Individual& Family Support/Capacity Building
Community Collaboration & Assessment
Community Grants
To learn more: www.banff.ca/locals-residents/social-services-programs/community-development/non-profit.htm
Update: The Banff Rotary Community Hub, housed at the Rundle Memorial Church, will be closed by the end of 2013 because there was not enough funding to make the $1,800/month rent. The three tenants of the Hub have found alternative locations (BanffLife to the Town Hall; Bow Valley Cares to the Banff YWCA; and the Interpretive Guides Association to an office in Canmore). The Hub was supported by the Banff Rotary Club and Rundle Memorial Church applied for a grant to subsidize the rent (Rocky Mountain Outlook, November 21, 2013, p. 18).
South Peace Community Resources Society: a non-profit organization that is dedicated to Meeting the social and personal needs of the community by providing services that assist people to develop to the full extent of their potential. South Peace Community Resources Society is a non-profit organization operating in the Peace Liard region, providing community and residential services. The Society exists to meet the needs of children, youth and families, women who have experienced violence, victims of crime, adults with mental handicaps, children with special needs, couples, and individuals experiencing trauma or difficulties in their life.
To learn more: www.spcrs.ca
Fort McMurray Redpoll Centre: The Redpoll Centre is home to the United Way of Fort McMurray, the Alzheimers Society, Safe Community Wood Buffalo, Justin Slade Youth Foundation, Children First: Community Childcare Network Society, The Nonprofit Network LINK, and the Support Through Housing Team Society (S.T.H.T.).
A ong with housing the above social service groups, the Centre is able to host meetings and conferences in two rooms, and offers half day, evening, full day rates for businesses and non profits.
To learn more: http://www.theredpollcentre.webs.com/