Sports & Recreation
There is interest from local sports and recreation organizations and facility user groups to work together to improve the opportunities for young athletes and coaches and, ultimately, create life long opportunities for activity. We have not been asked to participate in this but are available and eager to hear more about this idea.
Through attending AGMs and individual interviews, other sports groups in town continue struggle with sustainable volunteer capacity and Ryan Watmough has been available as a resource to help them find other models and organizations that may provide a collaborative solution.
Through attending AGMs and individual interviews, other sports groups in town continue struggle with sustainable volunteer capacity and Ryan Watmough has been available as a resource to help them find other models and organizations that may provide a collaborative solution.
Areas for collaboration:
On May 22, 2013, Ryan Watmough was invited to present at the CBT-sponsored Canadian Sport 4 Life event at the Golden Civic Centre with keynote speaker, Dave Ellis. The short presentation, slotted in between Mark Baxendale & Jordan Petrovics talks, outlined the more general Community Coordination project and how local sports organizations could informally continue to work together and fit into the possible Community Team Models.
Over the duration of the project, we have met with Jordan Petrovics, Manager of Recreation at the Town of Golden, and look forward to exploring future opportunities to facilitate communication, cooperation, collaboration and consolidation where willing. We have also attended GKHAT and KHGC AGMs.
This summer, we are ready and willing to meet with local sports groups looking to improve communication, cooperation and collaboration to realize optimum outcomes for our athletes, coaches, parents, visitors and community.
Please let us know how we can help build community sports and recreation.
Over the duration of the project, we have met with Jordan Petrovics, Manager of Recreation at the Town of Golden, and look forward to exploring future opportunities to facilitate communication, cooperation, collaboration and consolidation where willing. We have also attended GKHAT and KHGC AGMs.
This summer, we are ready and willing to meet with local sports groups looking to improve communication, cooperation and collaboration to realize optimum outcomes for our athletes, coaches, parents, visitors and community.
Please let us know how we can help build community sports and recreation.
Issues & Opportunities
Many groups and individuals would like to have access to top level sport & recreation facilities and programs. However, as always, the question remains, "who will pay for it?"
Some of the revenue can come from user fees/registration, but that rarely covers the cost of the facility or programming. Often individual user groups engage in fundraising initiatives to help reduce user fees or cover additional activity costs. Grants are available to many groups, but are not usually for ongoing facilities. Local government taxes (both from the Town of Golden and CSRD Area A) can be used to support public facilities upon resolution by local government. And school taxes support the public school's gyms and outdoor spaces. Joint Use Agreements between municipalities and school districts are just one way to maximize impact and share costs of facilities, but one does not exist in Golden.
Golden has a wide variety of sport infrastructure. This a list of the built physical assets available to the community or its sport-specific groups:
Some of the revenue can come from user fees/registration, but that rarely covers the cost of the facility or programming. Often individual user groups engage in fundraising initiatives to help reduce user fees or cover additional activity costs. Grants are available to many groups, but are not usually for ongoing facilities. Local government taxes (both from the Town of Golden and CSRD Area A) can be used to support public facilities upon resolution by local government. And school taxes support the public school's gyms and outdoor spaces. Joint Use Agreements between municipalities and school districts are just one way to maximize impact and share costs of facilities, but one does not exist in Golden.
Golden has a wide variety of sport infrastructure. This a list of the built physical assets available to the community or its sport-specific groups:
Golden Arena & Lounge
Golden Civic Centre Golden Curling Club Golden Freeride Park Golden Green Gym Golden Horseshoe Club Golden Motorcross Track Golden Municipal Airport Golden Municipal Pool Golden Pump Track Golden Rodeo Grounds Golden Tennis Courts Keith King Memorial Park Mt. 7 Rec Plex Parson Community Hall Parson Outdoor Hockey Rink Alexander Park Elementary School Gym Columbia Valley Elementary School Gym (closed) Golden Secondary School Gym Lady Grey Elementary School Gym Nicholson Elementary School Gym Golden Faith-Based Organizations' Activity Space |
College of the Rockies - Golden Campus
Golden District Rod & Gun Club Golden Golf Club Golden Seniors Centre Kicking Horse Gymnastics Club Royal Canadian Legion Branch #122 Dance Hall & Banquet Room Dogtooth Climbing Gym Go Organics Disc Golf Course Numerous private yoga, weight-training/cardio gyms and pools Golden Cycling Club Trails (Mt. 7, Mountain Shadows, Moonraker) Golden Nordic Ski Club Trails Golden Rotary Club Trails Golden Snowmobile Club Trails Golden Snowmobile Trails Society Trails Kicking Horse Mountain Resort (winter & summer trails) Mt 7 Flying Club Take-Off BC Parks & Rec Sites Burges & James Gadsden Provincial Park CSRD Parks Town of Golden Parks |
Participants know how important their organization is to them. Sometimes it is difficult to communicate it's importance. The Golden Golf Club (GGC), Golden's largest sports organization, has successfully done that through a Socio-Economic Impact Analysis (SEIA), which can be found below. It followed the Golden Snowmobile Economic Impact Analysis Report and the BC Input-Output Model Report for Mountainbiking, which can be found under "Resources" on the Trails page.
Quite often, new ideas do not need to be invented. This is especially true in the sports and recreation area, where there are many resources available free of charge. Some of the best ones are listed below:
Leisure Information Network
Canada’s Physical Literacy Consensus Statement
Canadian Sport For Life
And the Golden Sport For Life (PowerPoint) presentation can be found below.
Quite often, new ideas do not need to be invented. This is especially true in the sports and recreation area, where there are many resources available free of charge. Some of the best ones are listed below:
Leisure Information Network
Canada’s Physical Literacy Consensus Statement
Canadian Sport For Life
And the Golden Sport For Life (PowerPoint) presentation can be found below.
Here are two examples of Sport for Life program analysis and strategy for the City of Abbotsford and City of Richmond, respectively.
Here is the Interprovincial Sport and Recreation Council and Canadian Parks & Recreation Association's "Framework for Recreation in Canada 2015."
framework_for_recreation_in_canada_-_presentation_slide_deck_for_lin_v.2....ppt |
The Columbia Basin Trust has recently (Apr 9, 2015) created the PacificSport Columbia Basin Society. Columbia Basin Trust and ViaSport are providing $800,000 and $300,000 respectively toward this initiative over the next three years. With careful and collaborative planning, Golden & Area A could be well-positioned to increase their sports & recreation capacity, opportunities and outcomes through this program.
But the first step is communication - communication among sports & recreation groups for the betterment of all citizens of Golden & Area A.
But the first step is communication - communication among sports & recreation groups for the betterment of all citizens of Golden & Area A.
Stakeholder Organizations
Columbia Valley Dog Club
Dogtooth Climbing Gym Gentlemen's Leisure Club of Golden Society Golden Active Transportation Committee Golden Alpine Rippers Society Golden Basketball Association Golden Curling Club Golden Cycling Club Golden Dolphins Summer Swim Club Society Golden Figure Skating Club Golden Golf Club Golden Gracie Garage Society Golden Hap Ki Do Society Golden Junior Hockey Society Golden Kayak Club Golden Kicking Horse Alpine Team Society |
Golden Minor Baseball Association (?)
Golden Minor Hockey Association (?) Golden Minor Soccer Association Golden Nordic Ski Club Society Golden Royal Canadian Army Cadets Sponsoring Committee Golden Shotokan Karate Society Golden Snowmobile Club Impulse Dance Parents Association Society Kicking Horse Gymnastics Club Mount 7 Flying Club Mt. 7 Recreation Complex Association Rocky Mountain Cruisers Chapter Special Olympics British Columbia - Golden The Golden District Rod and Gun Club The Golden Light Horse Club |